
Ilustratie Escorte Sf Ghe, Album: arts

Poza Escorte Sf Ghe. esantioane ptr grafica sau pictura

Ce Inseamna Uro

Fotografie: escorte sf ghe .jpg

escorte sf ghe
What kind of profession?
Im a freelancer in adult entertainment.
Aha, you adult shoot or video?
Good. I want to see your video. Any site? There you upload?
Sorry hunny. i keep my work private.
You are escort? Irina
Yes baby.
How much price?
Depends on what you want.
You have profile in public 24? Ohh honey, full service price?
It s not for free baby.
I knew,, i am not asking anything free. Public 24 escort take 200-250 ,, and near vivo hotel hora beside take 50-70
Im not on the menu.
Thats it i am asking you,, but you say me something else
Sorry hunny. i don t play by those rules.
What the hell baby,,, i asking as customer
Sorry if i misunderstood. my services dont come cheap.
As u wish. Nice to talk with you baby
With kiss

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