
Foto Romanian Girl Marriage In Pakistan, Album: sexy girl

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Yes ,im in romania ,im working her. Here. Im a ture ghide for turism. Italia is beautiful
Have you ever been in Italy?
Im living in Ploiesti city, you know this city?
Do you like Romania?
Yes , i was been Venitia
Did you like Venice?
I like romania ,forest carpati munte ,Dunarea, blsck sea. Of cause i like venitie
How about Romanian people? do you like them
Warm and friendly. But a little lazy, dont be angry
I agree with you, for this reason 17 years ago I came here in Italy, there most of my peopl. Most of my people are not serious
Im sorry hearing this. but I want to say it just what i am thinking about romania
How long do you live in Romania?
You are strong girl when you ware been to Italiy 17 years ago. I am here 11 years. I am not came back to china two years because of Covind-19
Are you living with your family in Romania? Me too, its been 3 years I dont return in Romania?
No , am divorced. Just myself
Have you been married to a Romanian girl?
Dont miss you your country, your family in China?
Of cause ,i miss my family. But now i cant go bakc
Do you have children? Why dont you come back?
I have a bay in china. Because of Covid-19. Boy
How old is he?
I am 47
You look younger
Thank , my heart is younger for ever. I look your photo , you are very preety. Your eyes can speak
Thank you a



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